Our Projects
Annual Community Service Projects
- Crab & Pasta Feed: Rotarians, in cooperation with a local non-profit beneficiary, organize this popular community dinner and auction (March)
- Rotarians at Work Day: Rotarians get their hands dirty with a work project that benefits a local organization (April)
- Truckee Day: Rotarians sponsor and participate in this annual event to clean up Truckee’s streets (June)
- Kid’s Trout Derby: Rotarians sponsor a free kid’s fishing derby, including lunch, fishing gear, and goodie bags for local youth at Donner Memorial State Park (June)
- 4th of July BBQ: Rotarians prepare and serve at-cost lunch at the 4th of July BBQ at West End Beach, Donner Lake (July 4th)
- Truckee Halloween Parade: Rotarians purchase and distribute candy at the downtown Truckee Halloween Parade for the area’s youth (October)
- Big Night Out: Our signature event, which raises money to be granted each month to local non-profit organizations (November).
- Senior Thanksgiving Luncheon: Rotarians organize and attend a Thanksgiving lunch and celebration with at Martis Camp for the residents of the Truckee Donner Senior Apartments (November)
- Bud Fish Memorial Christmas Tree Lighting: Rotarians organize the annual Downtown Truckee Tree Lighting Ceremony, complete with carolers and a visit from Santa Claus (December)
- Rotary Shares Stories: Rotarians read books to Truckee Elementary preschool and ESL students (weekly)